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President's Directive No. 10

Directive Establishing the Campus Student Fee Advisory Committee

This Directive is issued pursuant to Executive Order No. 661*, a copy of which is attached.

On August 23, 1996, the Chancellor issued Executive Order No. 661* which delegates authority to presidents to adjust, consolidate, eliminate and/or establish campus mandatory, user and penalty fees, and allows the abolition of existing campus Instructionally Related Activities committees and the fee recommending responsibilities of campus Student Health Advisory committees.

This Directive establishes the campus Student Fee Advisory Committee (Committee) and provides guidelines within which it will advise the President regarding the adjustment, consolidation, elimination and/or establishment of all campus mandatory, user and penalty fees in accordance with Executive Order No. 661*. This Directive also transfers the fee-setting responsibilities of the Instructionally Related Activities Committee and the Student Health Advisory Committee to the Committee.


I. Committee Charge

A. The Committee shall advise the President regarding the adjustment, consolidation, elimination and/or establishment of all campus mandatory, user and penalty fees in accordance with Executive Order 661*.

1. Prior to recommending the adjustment, consolidation, elimination and/or establishment of any campus mandatory, user or penalty fee, the Committee shall:

a. Review all student fees on a bi-annual basis. Annual presentation to key campus stakeholders and governance groups shall take place. In addition to presentation, prepare and distribute a written “report card” on all fees reviewed via the Student Success Initiative website and the Student Fee Advisory Committee website. The report will include fee revenues collected; expenditures; outcomes achieved that year and any unspent revenue. Each department/unit that receives funding via the Student Success Initiative will provide a report of achieved outcomes, annual goals not met and expenditures plans by priority for the following year.

b. Provide the opportunity for consultation with all appropriate campus constituencies. Those responsible for administering a fee submitted for reviews shall have the opportunity to be present during the review.

c. Review proposals for new fees and determine process for their vetting. Category 2-4 fees: the committee shall review the establishment and adjustment of these fees. Category 5 Parking fees only: proposals for changes to the Parking fees shall be reviewed by the committee.

2. Executive Order 661 presumes that a student referendum will be conducted before adjusting or establishing a campus mandatory fee. However, a referendum may be waived if the President determines that other methods of consultation are more appropriate and meaningful or approval for the fee adjustment pre-dated Executive Order 661. In any event, a referendum shall be held before any adjustment to or establishment of an Associated Students fee.

3. A referendum may be conducted by the Associated Students or by the university.

a. The Committee shall prepare voter information to be included in a voter pamphlet.

b. Copies of the other pamphlet and information regarding the dates, times and polling locations shall be available to students and available in the Daily Titan for publication at least thirty days prior to the referendum.

c. Costs beyond those normally incurred by the Associated Student for conducting the referendum and/or publishing the voter pamphlet may be paid by the university.

d. Voter information may be included in any pamphlet prepared by the Associated Students for its regularly scheduled elections.

B. The Committee shall serve as an advisory committee to the university President for student fee actions; it shall not serve as an allocation committee of student funds.

C. The Committee shall consolidate fees whenever feasible to address board policy issues as well as to simplify the payment and collection process. Any consolidation of fees shall not adversely impact the provision of previously supported services essential to the university's Mission & Goal.

D. User fees related to Extended Education and Housing may need to be enacted on short notice. Such adjustments may be forwarded to the university President without the committee's prior review subject to approval by the Committee chair and subsequent report to the Committee.

E. The Committee shall prepare an annual report to the Chancellor on the status of campus fees.

F. Committee members have to be present to vote at meetings. No proxy votes will be accepted.

G. Meetings of the Committee shall be called by the co-chairs with notification given at least one week prior to the meeting date. A quorum of the Committee is defined as: 1.) At least 8 out of 14 voting members in attendance; 2.) At least 5 students in attendance; and 3.) Students as a majority of voting members present. Recommendations may be advanced by a vote of the majority of those in attendance.


II. Committee Structure

A. The Committee shall consist of the following members: 2 student affairs staff members (1 being the Vice President for Student Affairs who will be Co-Chair of the committee), 1 staff member from Administration and Finance, 1 staff member from Academic Affairs, 2 faculty members (1 being the Chair of the Academic Senate), and 8 students (ASI President who will be Co-Chair of committee).

1. Eight students (including the ASI President, the ASI Executive Vice President and the Chair of the ASI Board of Directors) shall serve as the student representation on the Student Fee Advisory Committee. The ASI President will recommend 5 additional student representatives that are representative of the student body, in consultation with the ASI Executive Vice President and ASI Board of Directors.

2. The Chair of the Academic Senate, the Vice President of Student Affairs, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Vice President for Administration and Finance will submit recommendations for representatives, respectively.

B. The ASI President and the Vice President for Student Affairs will serve as co-chairs and voting members of the Committee. All recommendations will be submitted to the University President for review and consideration for appointment in the annual selection process, or in any instance of a vacancy during the term. Each voting member of the Committee will serve a one-year term and may serve multiple terms (with the exception of the Vice President of Student Affairs who serves continuously as co-chair).

C. The student representatives shall meet each of the minimum academic standards for members of the Associated Students Board of Directors as set forth in the Associated Students By-laws.

D. The Committee shall meet twice each fall and spring semester. The Committee shall meet more frequently when urgent business arises. The staff to the committee shall prepare agendas and minutes at the direction of the co-chairs. The co-chairs will designate meetings in September, November, February, and March.


Mildred García,
October 24, 2014

*Executive Order 661 has been superseded by Executive Order 740